q News & Event | Thailand Trust Mark

Thailand’s Commerce Unit Arrays T Mark Penetrating Online Markets in China and ASEAN  Live by Famous KOLs during 8.9 and 9.9 Shopping Festivals


Office of Innovation and Value Creation (OIVC), Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP), Ministry of Commerce, Royal Thai Government, is ready to support Thai products through the #IFoundTMark project. It aims to increase sales of Thailand Trust Mark (T Mark) products. T Mark - a symbol of excellence and trusted quality that was established to add distinctive value to Thai products and services that are made in Thailand. Live commerce campaigns were held by 7 top online Key Opinion Leaders or KOLs who have more than 39 million followers in a total of social media platforms!


Thailand Trust Mark (#IFoundTMark) Promotion and Product Sales Boost Activity promoted online market penetration through Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) in the Chinese and ASEAN markets. The campaign aims to advertise Thai products via popular e-commerce platforms in each target market country and upgrade Thai products’ quality with the T Mark logo, building confidence and driving Thai entrepreneurs' business.


Thailand Trust Mark (#IFoundTMark) Promotion and Product Sales Boost Activity,” hot-off-the-press events arrayed more than 50 SKUs of Thai products in food and beverages & health and beauty categories with the Thailand Trust Mark or T Mark logo to shine for product awareness and sales promotion in the Chinese and Cambodian online markets.


8.9 Live in Cambodia by Female Youtuber Who Has More than 2.9 Million Subscribers

SreyNea Nea, a famous Cambodian lifestyle Youtuber and MC, had a live broadcast via Facebook Live creating awareness of quality products under the T Mark logo and driving sales through campaigns and giveaway games among her followers. The event reached more than 130,000 Cambodian customers and attracted plentiful interest to online stores in Facebook Marketplace.


Photos of LIVE Atmosphere in Cambodia

SreyNea Nea - KOL who has more than 2.9 million followers in total


Wading through Chinese Market on 9.9 Shopping Festival, KOLs Went All Out with More than 28.2 Million Followers

4 Chinese professional KOLs: 可可 Cocoa, 灵灵 LingLin, 黑桃 Hei tao และ 丢丢 DiuDiu presented more than 40 SKUs Thai products on 9.9 campaign via live events on popular Chinese e-Commerce platforms - Taobao Live and JD.COM, using their hard-to-resist selling techniques.


Photos of LIVE Atmosphere in China


In addition to the 2-hour live campaign of KOLs in China, followers can also shop for quality products guaranteed by the T Mark logo in the #IFoundTMark project via Landing Page. More than 50 SKU products can be found and shopped to Chinese consumers' heart content. This channel can be easily visited via the Landing Page at http://ifoundtmark.thailandtrustmark.com/.

Photos of Landing Page Presenting T Mark Products in China

Our public relations list will not end with Cambodia and China. The #IFoundTMark project is also determined to support Thai products to penetrate the ASEAN market. High-quality products were promoted in the Philippines and Vietnam through Live events by top KOLs.


Arraying for 15.9 PAYDAY Live in the Philippines

Filipino shoppers were thrilled to shop T Mark products on Lazada Live PH platform with the famous KOL - Kris Bernal. She is a talented actress and well-known influencer in the Philippines, who has Photos of LIVE Atmosphere in the Philippines created fantastic content on Youtube and become one of the Top KOLs of LazLive Talent Platform.

September 15, was the mid-month PAYDAY Sale of Lazada Philippines10 Thai products did not miss the chance to join the September shopping festival through the LIVE product promotion in which easy-to-follow snack menus were created. Also, there was a giveaway game of the brand Giftset worth 60,000 pesos in total.


Kris Bernal - KOL who has more than 6 million followers in total


Partnering with Shopee LIVE in Vietnam

Due to the lockdown measure, an exact live broadcast period in Vietnam will be live in the 20th of October. Please stay tuned for the Live from famous KOL from Vietnam on the Shopee LIVE platform soon. Visit the project website for a press release and more information



Ministry of Commerce, Royal Thai Government, remains committed to supporting Thai products’ expansion in the global markets. For further details, please visit www.thailandtrustmark.com or Thailand Trust Mark Facebook Fanpage.



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